
For over 40 years, Saint Dizier Environnement has been the leader on the French market in the rainwater treatment industry, focusing on two key assets: fostering a customer-oriented strategy while keeping the company to a reasonable size, and placing innovation at the core of its corporate strategy.

Saint Dizier Environmment’s mission and expertise

Our company has been designing, manufacturing and selling rainwater treatment and pretreatment plants since 1973. Saint Dizier Environnement operates in the following sectors:

  • water pretreatment
  • rainwater management
  • rainwater treatment at the source and for alternative processes using Stoppol®,
  • rainwater treatment in urban and industrial environments
  • domestic wastewater

Saint Dizier Environnement’s target market sectors

Our target market sectors are local authorities and industrial sites, which cover business parks, airport areas, metal recycling areas, petroleum sites, ship repair facilities or rainwater management and treatment and flood control facilities.

Key dates

  • 1973 : Saint Dizier SOCOFI, a subsidiary of the Saint Dizier foundry,, : created in 1860 and specialised in the production of cast iron parts for the building industry, is founded. Saint Dizier SOCOFI becomes a forerunner in the water pretreatment industry
  • 1996 : Following the merger of Separepur in 1992 and Itera in 1994, the new entity is named ISD Environnement and develops the management of rainwater treatment.
  • 2002 : Saint Dizier Environnement is founded, following the takeover and merger of PAN Environnement with ISD Environnement. The company’s legal status changes to Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €1,200,000.
  • 2010 : 2,000 companies selected by OSEO for their growth potential within the BPI Excellence community are integrated
  • 2011 : STOPPOL® wins 1st prize for eco-innovation from CD2E
  • 2012 : Saint Dizier Environnement is presented with the innovation award in Nord-Pas-de-Calais
  • 2013 : Saint Dizier Environnement changes its corporate signature to « Innovating for cleaner water »

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