HDCP 80 to 300_EN

HDCP 80 to 300_EN

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

image du HDCP 80 to 300_EN

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

Avantages :

  • Conformity : CE marking according to NF EN 858-1
  • Treatment volume based on an hydraulic retention time > 190 seconds
  • Performance : lamellar honeycomb filter treatment effectiveness
  • Reliability : longevity of the honeycomb cells
  • Easy to operate : washable lamellar honeycomb filter
  • 10-years warranty via insurance supplemented by an Epers
  • Adaptability : reinforcements if groundwater implementation

En bref

En détails


En pratique

Taille :

NS 80 to 300

Application :

Interceptor collects free oil and accumulates the solid matter (sand, sludge...)

Conception :

  • GRP polyester tank
  • Honeycomb lamellar filter protective screen
  • Coalescence on honeycomb lamellar filter made of polypropylene
  • Vertical polyethylene automatic closing-off device with lip seal calibrated for oil density at 0.85
  • Resistance class 1d according to NF P16-451/CN
  • Connections : input and output with lip seal
  • Manholes Ø 1000 mm

Fonctionnement :

  • The sludge trap compartment is calculated to obtain a usable volume of 100 liters x NS
  • The interceptor compartment is dimensioned for a free oil discharge less than 5mg/L in the test conditions of standard NF EN 858-1

Options :

  • Polyethylene Extensions - RHP and covers - COU
  • Anchor frame - CHASPE and straps - SAN
  • Reinforcments for implementation class 1a - RENFORTNAP
  • Visual and audible oil alarm - KAH050
Référence NS Vol. usable (L) Vol. sludge trap (L) Vol. hydro (L) Ø (mm) L (mm) NS (mm) FEE (mm) FES (mm) Weight (kg)
HDCP08003 80 15700 8000 800 2150 5500 315 575 675 1350
HDCP10003 100 19400 10000 1000 2150 6800 315 575 675 1600
HDCP12504N 125 25300 12500 1250 2350 8000 400 650 750 2150
HDCP15004N 150 29700 15000 1500 2350 9000 400 650 750 2350
HDCP18004N 180 36300 18000 1800 2350 10600 400 650 750 2750
HDCP20005N 200 39700 20000 2000 2350 11700 500 650 750 2850
HDCP25005 250 49100 25000 2500 2500 13000 500 700 800 3350
HDCP30005 300 57800 30000 3000 2500 15300 500 700 800 3800

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