Careening water treatment

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Careening activities are a major source of pollution in harbours (maritime and inner harbours alike). They produce heavy metals, suspended solids and organic loads, which makes treating such effluents paramount to prevent pollution in harbour sediments and guarantee the good quality of swimming water.


We have over 10 years’ expertise in the field of careening water treatment, based on laboratory testing and a number of measurement campaigns.


We operate at various stages of the careening water treatment process :

  • From effluent harvesting, including in docks subject to tidal movements
  • To pretreatment, by screening, settling and oil removal
  • Up to the recycling of treated effluents

We develop rustic solutions based on settling and filtration (with absorption and adsorption), as well as more elaborate solutions based on a physico-chemical process


Considering the general environment of the procedures implemented, inert materials (e.g. stainless steel and composite) have to be used. Depending on the retained solutions, a ready-made equipment room with the controls and functionalities can be installed close to the treatment facility.


All the proposed activities underwent performance tests, and have contributed to the selection of our solutions by the Agence de l’Eau Loire Bretagne for the Vague Bleue programme.

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